Friday, January 31, 2020

A quel point la perscution des minorits refltait-elle la volont des Essay

A quel point la perscution des minorits refltait-elle la volont des forces d'occupation et quel point refltait-el - Essay Example La zone non occupee de la [France] et l'assistance necessaires administration economique.2 Il y avait des problemes majeurs. Les deux Francais et Britanniques ont combattu pour l'independance de la France. "Dans la campagne de 1940 les Francais se sont battus courageusement, mais ... [l]es Britanniques ont combattu beaucoup plus obstinement ... ».3 Pour donner un peu de contexte, l'Allemagne avait acquis une partie de la France qui a ete envahie par les gens.  «En occupant la moitie nord du pays et toute la cote Atlantique, l'Allemagne s'est approprie le partie la plus riche et le plus peuple de la France metropolitaine ».4 En raison de l'oppression de son peuple, la reputation de Vichy est a jamais ternie. "L'histoire de Vichy, en cette epoque, abonde en pareils trompe-l'?il ».5 A la defense du peuple juif, les combats ont a l'Est. "Par consequent, au cours de la plupart des annees de combats sur le front de l'Est (ou la majeure partie de l'armee allemande a ete engage), les conditions sont devenues de plus en plus semblables a celles sur le front occidental dans la Premiere Guerre mondiale ».6 Il semblait que beaucoup de gens meprisaient les Juifs, c'etait un sentiment populaire et a la mode d'epouser a l'epoque. "Meme apres la guerre, Xavier Vallat revendiquee, avec quelque raison, que l'anti-semitisme de Vichy avait reflechi volonte populaire. Dans les registres tenus par l'administration francaise au cours de 1940-1944 il ya des signes evidents de l'antipathie populaire pour les Juifs, en particulier pour les refugies juifs etrangers ... ... repandre sur les Juifs d'origine francaise ainsi  ».7 Pendant ce temps, le cerveau se cache derriere la disparition du peuple juif etait Adolf Hitler-autrichien d'origine juive, vilipende les juifs et les exalte la race aryenne ci-dessus toutes les autres races. "Tout le monde sait Adolf Hitler. Notions du Troisieme Reich et la Seconde Guerre mondiale, [assurer] la  «Fuhrer » un endroit sur [dans l'hist oire]. Mais la situation varie considerablement dans l'histoire de cet homme.†8 Allemands voulaient eliminer totalement le peuple juif. "[L'Allemand] Armee et la Marine ... [A] l'avantage de la situation ... nouvelle [s] de faire valoir leurs interets.†9 Les gitans ont ete un autre peuple qui ont ete persecutes par les Allemands. "Si les ambitions allemandes en France concernees les moyens de maximiser l'exploitation de l'economie francaise dans l'interet de l'Allemagne, Vichy a saisi l'occasion fournie par la conquete allemande de realiser un [efficace] purge de la societe francaise, et un remodelage de la France a son image ».10 La persecution de toute personne consideree comme anormale a ete facilement acceptee par la societe francaise. Cette  «purge » de la societe francaise etait en effet l'un qui comprend un secteur important de personnes-des personnes handicapees, les personnes qui avaient des malformations congenitales, et cetera. Personne n'a ete epargne p ar le grand filet et le mal qui a ete coule pour tous ceux qui ont regarde differemment, agi differemment, ou ont vecu d'une maniere differente que le reste de la dynamique de la societe.Le francais de la

Introductory chapter needs some more info Essay

Introductory chapter needs some more info - Essay Example rop Frye discusses it in his essay, refers simply to a special kind of narrative.1 The special nature of this narrative is that it is devised to reflect the beliefs of a particular culture, especially as it uses the concept of the supernatural to explore and explain natural events and the essence of human nature. Frye’s argument is that this mythic narrative is included in almost all of the archetypes used in literature and that these concepts are also found within our most sacred ritual events as we continue to seek the true nature of the order of life. Considering Frye’s discussion of myth, ritual and the natural cycle as it is presented in The Archetypes of Literature, it can be seen that there are several rituals and beliefs that we experience in modern life that we are perhaps not even aware of as being a voluntary affirmation of the natural order of life, such as the beliefs we associate with the concept of darkness. An examination into the traditional values asso ciated with darkness helps to inform the shift in focus seen as the world began to shift into its more modern configuration. Generally acknowledged to have started with the publication of Horace Walpole’s novel The Castle of Otranto in 1764, the Gothic genre represents a fundamental shift in thinking from one dominated by ideals and reason to one of imagination and emotion.2 Gothic literature is characterized by its unique way of combining horror and romance to create a completely new genre that, particularly after the advent of Sigmund Freud and his psychoanalytic theory,3 focused more and more on the power of the mind to terrify itself. Common elements found within Gothic literature include terror, the supernatural, ghosts, haunted houses with a particular type of architecture, castles, darkness, death, madness, secrets and hereditary curses. Characters typically fall into stereotypical personas such as the femmes fatales, flawed heroes, monsters of various types and flawed individuals.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Determining Overdeterminism: An Informal Reflection :: Mississippi Masala Economics Essays

Determining Overdeterminism: An Informal Reflection Economics has always been for me a system of curves. There are supply ones and demand ones and curves that would belly up or down. In every class, my high school Economics teacher, a man approaching his late fifties, would rail on about the wonders of capitalism. Being a two-time divorcee and therefore a man of the capitalistic world, he accredited the bulk of his knowledge through life experiences, particularly those involving divorce. I remember sitting through one of his classes and thinking that he resembled some type of new-born evangelist preaching to us about the awesome power of capital and what joy it can bring. I have always wondered, however, what the world of economics would be like without a system of charts that determine the outcome of lives. College started me off in finding other economic theories that contradicts what my high school teacher has ingrained in me for years: Neo-classic economics is unflawed and absolute. ECON 100 is my first introduction to Marxian ideals which I find I relate to more than Neo-classic theories. The idea of overdeterminism is one aspect of Marxian economics that I passionately agree with. From the experience of living, I've learned that every action is the reciprocal of all actions in the world. The world is connected and operates for the greater good contrary to what Neo-classic theories state. These relationships are always in flux so narrowing down the determinant of an economic process would be impossible. A splendid example of overdeterminism is depicted in Mississippi Masala. In the film, I see situations in Demetrius's life that parallel my own. What's interesting about Demetrius's character is that he internalizes a lot of conflicts within himself. For example, given the chance to go to college, he chooses to remain in Mississippi and take care of his father instead. Moreover, he takes on the role as head of the family and is counsel for his younger brother. The breakthrough in Demetrius's life was when he met Mina and fell in love with her. From there the course of Demetrius's life drastically verged because his relationship allowed him the time to reevaluate his life, and with Mina's added perspective, Demetrius was no longer afraid to start anew elsewhere. The events that led to the collapse of Demetrius's business are examples of overdeterminism. By spending the night with Mina and being discovered, Demetrius got arrested which stained his reputation as a credible businessman. Determining Overdeterminism: An Informal Reflection :: Mississippi Masala Economics Essays Determining Overdeterminism: An Informal Reflection Economics has always been for me a system of curves. There are supply ones and demand ones and curves that would belly up or down. In every class, my high school Economics teacher, a man approaching his late fifties, would rail on about the wonders of capitalism. Being a two-time divorcee and therefore a man of the capitalistic world, he accredited the bulk of his knowledge through life experiences, particularly those involving divorce. I remember sitting through one of his classes and thinking that he resembled some type of new-born evangelist preaching to us about the awesome power of capital and what joy it can bring. I have always wondered, however, what the world of economics would be like without a system of charts that determine the outcome of lives. College started me off in finding other economic theories that contradicts what my high school teacher has ingrained in me for years: Neo-classic economics is unflawed and absolute. ECON 100 is my first introduction to Marxian ideals which I find I relate to more than Neo-classic theories. The idea of overdeterminism is one aspect of Marxian economics that I passionately agree with. From the experience of living, I've learned that every action is the reciprocal of all actions in the world. The world is connected and operates for the greater good contrary to what Neo-classic theories state. These relationships are always in flux so narrowing down the determinant of an economic process would be impossible. A splendid example of overdeterminism is depicted in Mississippi Masala. In the film, I see situations in Demetrius's life that parallel my own. What's interesting about Demetrius's character is that he internalizes a lot of conflicts within himself. For example, given the chance to go to college, he chooses to remain in Mississippi and take care of his father instead. Moreover, he takes on the role as head of the family and is counsel for his younger brother. The breakthrough in Demetrius's life was when he met Mina and fell in love with her. From there the course of Demetrius's life drastically verged because his relationship allowed him the time to reevaluate his life, and with Mina's added perspective, Demetrius was no longer afraid to start anew elsewhere. The events that led to the collapse of Demetrius's business are examples of overdeterminism. By spending the night with Mina and being discovered, Demetrius got arrested which stained his reputation as a credible businessman.

Othello Passage :: essays research papers

Act V, Scene ii., lines 122-134 Emilia. O, who hath done this deed? Desdemona. Nobody--I myself. Farewell. Commend me to my kind lord. O, farewell! [She dies.] Othello. Why, how should she be murd'red? Emilia. Alas, who knows? Othello. You heard her say herself, it was not I. Emilia. She said so. I must needs report the truth. Othello. She's like a liar gone to burning hell! 'Twas I that killed her. Emilia. O, the more angel she, And you the blacker devil! Othello. She turned to folly, and she was a whore. Emila. Thou dost belie her, and thou art a devil. Othello. She was as false as water. Emilia. Thou art rash as fire to say That she was false. O, she was heavenly true! Othello's grief and his deep love for Desdemona led to a series of actions and dialogue located at the climax of the story. The chosen passage came near the end of this work--just after Othello smothered Desdemona with her pillow. Shakespeare, simply and probably tritely put, was a genius. His artful mastery of meter, diction, imagery, and tone is matchless and captivates interest and thought like no other. Meter in a literary work, just like all other components, can be a key factor in affecting the reader's thoughts and mood. Of course, this being Shakespeare, meter was utilized with a definite purpose. Because this portion of the play is dramatic and suspenseful, an erratic, loose structure is appropriate. The author "changed things up" and "kept the reader guessing" with regard to the structure and meter--thus causing even more suspense than what the plot had already provided. In this group of dialogue, Othello loses his usual poetic eloquence. His mental and emotional composure were compromised, thus impairing his diction. This temporary breach in character displayed his internal conflict and how it was affecting him as a person--for Othello's dignified speech, just as the way anyone speaks, was a part of him as a person. Displayed in many other works, contrasting imagery, or perhaps simply contrast in general, is present in my excerpt from Othello. For example, Emilia calls Desdemona an angel, while designating Othello a devil. Also, Othello says Desdemona was "as false as water" while, in the subsequent line Emilia accuses Othello as being "as rash as fire." By including these contrasts, Shakespeare heightened the intensity of the moment as well as expressed the mood and thoughts of the characters. There are many words that can describe the tone at this point in the play: chaotic, confused, angry, impulsive. Emilia's thought process is not so much shared by the reader as empathized by the reader--though we know what's going on, we can identify with her anger and confusion.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Airborne Express: the Underdog

AIRBORNE EXPRESS: THE UNDERDOG CASE STUDY QUESTIONS 1. Analyze the United States small package express delivery industry in the 1990’s using the Porter’s Five Force Model. Rate each of the five forces as either weak, moderate, strong or fierce. Justify your rating by using two factors under each force and describing how these factors affect the strength of the force. The Bargaining Power of Buyers The bargaining power of the buyer was somewhat moderate-to-slightly strong due to the fact that certain corporations were so high ranked that, they could manipulate their prices to their advantage.On top of that substitutions existed with the other mailing companies which gave the â€Å"buyer† choices. Low prices were taken advantage of by consumers, for if they were too expensive, they’d switch their services over to another company who would provide the same shipping, delivery and transportation system, at a more reasonable price. High-volume corporate customer s have a great deal with more bargaining power than customers who don’t buy from them frequent enough. This meant that they could allow and demand substantial discounts.IBM made a 3-year contract with Airborne Express to pay them to carry their products that were 150 pounds or less. The only downfall about that was that Airborne Express had to offer rates 84% below Federal Express’s list prices. Approx. 80% of Airborne’s revenue came from corporate accounts such as IBM. High-volume corporate companies such as IBM have the bargaining power over Airborne Express. The Bargaining Power of Suppliers The bargaining power of the suppliers, at the time, was fairly strong.When it came down to the delivering and shipping of packages in the world, there were only a few companies who operated globally. This is one bargaining power that Airborne (the supplier gained). . Data Product Corp. ; a producer of computer printers, contracted out Airborne to take care of their arrang ements and shipments of their component parts. Airborne controlled the consolidation and movement of component parts from the component part supplier through the Hong Kong assembly operation. This allowed the company to minimize inventory-holding costs for the Data Product Corp.Airborne was in control and created set prices for the company to abide by or else, they would cease to ship for the company. Airborne shipped everything by night in which they controlled when packages were delivered. They would close their drop boxes at 5pm, so any packages that weren’t ready by that time, weren’t shipped until the next day. They controlled the time of when packages were due so customers would push to get their packages put into these drop boxes before they closed. Airborne also created and built their own hub-and-spoke system capable of supporting a nationwide distribution system.They had their own planes, trucks, as well as other equipment, which meant that they didn’t have to rely on others to send out their packages. They were in control and could regulate their own price and supply levels directly. 2. List at least two strategies that Airborne implemented to strengthen each of the four building blocks of competitive advantage (efficiency, innovation, quality and customer responsiveness). Explain how the strategy strengthened the building block. r 3. Did Airborne Express have a sustainable competitive advantage? If yes, what was the competitive advantage based on.If no, why was their competitive advantage not sustainable? Yes, Airborne Express did have a sustainable competitive advantage. They provided many strategies that companies of others did not implement and/or use. One would be the usage of special drop boxes for their customers. Airborne provided multiple drop boxes in several locations for customers to send their packages along. The packages were collected from the drop boxes at 5 pm, everyday. These drop boxes were placed and located in specific locations such as; lobbies in major commercial buildings, which made access to these boxes available to many.Central drop boxes were placed in the cities as well, allowing customers up to 6 pm before collecting packages and closing the drop boxes. Another advantage that Airborne Express had over other companies was the development of their information systems. With these information systems in use, Airborne Express had improved their customer service as well as boost productivity within the company. The three information systems that were created were: the Libra II system, the FOCUS system, and also, the EDI system.Libra II was used to calculate and weigh the package at hand, while providing shipping labels and reports. The FOCUS system recorded the status of the package (such as location, shipment time, etc. ). Last but not least, the EDI system was used to â€Å"eliminate the flow of paperwork†. This meaning that forms in the form of â€Å"paper† was redu ced if not removed and instead replaced with electronic data forms. Another competitive advantage that Airborne had was the strategic alliances that were created with multiple foreign agents.These countries consisted of Thailand, Japan, Malaysia, and South Africa. With this move globally, this put Airborne into the international aspect of package shipping and delivery. 4. As Airborne Express’ customers became global, Airborne Express had to develop a network to meet their needs to deliver packages to international location. They chose a very different approach than Federal Express. Describe Airborne Express’ strategies to provide global services. Also list two advantages and two risks associated with the approach that Airborne Express adopted.

A Museum Trip

uMuseum trip 1) How have my field trip enriched my understanding of being a Singaporean? -The trip to the museum brought about an indelible experience. I understood the great history of Singapore and how our forefathers survived and fought through the World War 2. Being a Singaporean meant much more than just living a beautiful lion city, instead it is one with great history and commendable spirit of our forefathers that make us, Singaporeans proud of our country. ) What have I learnt from this visit? -I learnt that the success of Singapore was brought about by many of our ancestors/forefathers/great leaders, and the peace and stability in our country cannot be taken for granted. Regardless of race, language or religion, everyone must work together to build a conducive society for ourselves and the future generation. 3) What are the highlights and key observations of my visit? The highlights of the visit was the world war 2 exhibition where we saw the stages of the war, which include s the downfall and the rise of Singapore. Another highlight was how life was like, in the past, and it was an eye opening experience as it was what I never imagined. Little India trip 1) How have my field trip enriched my understanding of being a Singaporean? -Being a Singaporean Chinese, I hardly went to other cultural places except for Chinatown.However, a trip to little India helped me to understand the cultural values of another race in Singapore. It helped me to understand what their iconic places for common visiting were. 2) What have I learnt from this visit? I learnt the Indian Culture, when we had our meals at a famous Indian eatery, where the bare right hand is used to consume food without a use of cutlery. I also learnt that flower garlands were a common item used when worshipping their gods.Lastly, I also understood the Indian tradition by speaking to the owners of the flower garland shops. 3) What are the highlights and key observations of my visit? -The highlights incl ude a visit to the Tekka Market, where all the common Indian food were. It also includes visits to the Indian temples, small shops which sells accessories such as Indian bangles and others which specializes in selling flowers and garlands.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Wuthering Heights Reflection Option - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 629 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/05/13 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Wuthering Heights Essay Did you like this example? Wuthering Heights, by Emily Bronte, narrates the revenge plot of Heathcliff on Thrushcross Grange. Heathcliffs traumatic past influences his perception of justice. Heathcliff believes revenge is the best way to level the playing field. Heathcliff is mostly affected by Catherines choice to marry Edgar which initiates Heathcliffs revenge plot. Heathcliff was originally happy. He and Catherine loved each other and were inseparable. Catherine was described as much too fond of Heathcliff. The greatest punishment we could invent for her was to keep her separate from him: yet she got chided more than any of us on his account (Bronte 53). Catherine originally had feelings towards Heathcliff and Heathcliff knew so. Heathcliff became attached to her, and she meant the world to him. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Wuthering Heights Reflection Option" essay for you Create order When Edgar starts courting Catherine, her affections start to fade away from Heathcliff. Catherine feels ?It would degrade me to marry Heathcliff now; so he shall never know how I love him: and that, not because hes handsome, Nelly, but because hes more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same; and Lintons is as different as a moonbeam from lightning, or frost from fire(Bronte 102). Catherine admits that she is still affectionate of Heathcliff, but Edgar has made her feel superior to Heathcliff. Although she feels as if she is better, she expresses to Nelly that she and Heathcliff are the same.My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods: time will change it, Im well aware, as winter changes the trees. My love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath a source of little visible delight, but necessary. Nelly, I am Heathcliff! Hes always, always in my mind: not as a pleasure, any more than I am always a pleasure to myself, but as my ow n being. So dont talk of our separation again: it is impracticable(Bronte 104). She believes if she marries Edgar, she could never lose the connection between Heathcliff and her. Catherine believes they are the same, for they could never be separated. Ultimately, she does not realize Heathcliffs intention to marry her. As a result, when she marries Edgar, she creates a thirst for revenge for Heathcliff. Heathcliff is livid with Catherines decision to choose Edgar over him. Catherines choices lead to Heathcliff trying to avenge his love for her. He plots a way to obtain Thrushcross Grange, by using Linton, his son, to marry Edgars daughter Cathy. If Linton marries Cathy and Linton passes, the estate will go to Heathcliff. Knowing that Linton is sick, he pushes Linton to marry Cathy so he can control Thrushcross, and in turn, control Edgar. Cathy tells Heathcliff that ?Linton is all I have to love in the world, and though you have done what you could to make him hateful to me, and me to him, you cannot make us hate each other. And I defy you to hurt him when I am by, and I defy you to frighten me(Bronte 284). Heathcliffs plan of arranging the marriage between Cathy and Linton backfires. When Cathy stands up to Heathcliffs plan to control her, it shocks him. No other character in the novel stood up against the fear Heathcliff imposed. Cathy derives her strength from her love for Linton , for she is able to withstand Heathcliff. Heathcliff draws his power from animalistic urges and the will to protect himself. His actions are a result of how people treated him, and his will to avenge himself and his reputation. In conclusion, Heathcliff is a character thirsty for revenge and amends. Catherines choice in the past to marry Edgar fueled Heathcliff to marry Isabella, hate Edgar, and attempt to steal Thrushcroos Grange. The way Heathcliff was treated in the past created the vile character Heathcliff is.

The Teaching Profession - 1789 Words

The Teaching Profession Introduction: There is no doubt that the teaching profession is very important in molding the young minds to become the responsible citizens of the future. Many young people look forward to becoming successful teachers to educate the young generation. Pros of teaching: Teaching is a special calling. It is not a job well-suited to everyone. In fact, many new teachers leave within the first 3-5 years of teaching. However, there are many rewards that come with this often maligned career. Here are my top ten reasons why teaching can be a great profession. 1. Student Potential Unfortunately, not every student will succeed in your class. However, this fact should not keep you from believing that every student†¦show more content†¦4. Community Expectations Everyone has an opinion of what a teacher should be doing. As a teacher you will have a lot of people pulling you in different directions. The modern teacher wears many hats. They act as educator, coach, activity sponsor, nurse, career advisor, parent, friend, and innovator. Realize that in any one class, you will have students of varying levels and abilities and you will be judged on how well you can reach each student by individualizing their education. This is the challenge of education but at the same time can make it a truly rewarding experience. 5. Emotional Commitment Teaching is not a desk job. It requires you to put yourself out there and be on each day. Great teachers emotionally commit to their subject matter and their students. Realize that students seem to feel a sense of ownership over their teachers. They assume that you are their for them. They assume that your life revolves around them. It is not uncommon for a student to be surprised to see you behaving normally in everyday society. Further, depending on the size of the town where you will be teaching, you need to understand that you will be running into your students pretty much everywhere you go. Thus, expect somewhat of a lack of anonymity in the community. Keys to being a Successful Teacher The most successful teachers share some common characteristics. Here are the top six keys to being a successful teacher. Every teacherShow MoreRelatedTeaching As A Profession? Essay1153 Words   |  5 Pages1. Teaching as a Profession 1.What is a profession? (text book Ch 1 2) 2.Are early childhood teachers perceived as being a professional? 3.Standards, ethics and behaviour of a professional. 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Have a vision of what you want and what the technology can achieve. âÅ"” 4. Can identify his/her goals and facilitate the learning. âÅ"” 5. Must continue to absorb experiences and knowledge. âÅ"” 6. Fluent in tools and technologies that enable communication and collaboration. âÅ"” 3. Use the questionnaire for you to determine the extent to which you possess the 21st century skills. I can use computer easily. I can adapt dynamic teaching experience andRead MoreThe Importance Of Teaching As A Profession895 Words   |  4 Pagespresentation Briefly, talk about the teaching as profession; comparing teaching with other professions †¢ Highlight the main points in this chapter. †¢ Go through each point as discussed in the summary. †¢ After the summary, go through the sex question and answer. †¢ Ending with the brief meaning of the key words of the chapter. Introduction Teaching is a process of giving away knowledge, skills, values, and habits to learners. 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